Parish Groups (Adult Groups)

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The leading adult groups are the Catholic Women Association (CWA), the Catholic Men Association, (CMA), the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Jude.

All Christians are encouraged to be a member of a Small Christian Community but membership in a church group or a Prayer Group is optional but is encouraged.

The Catholic Women Association (CWA)

Better known by its acronym (CWA), the CWA is an association of catholic women who meet once or twice a week. Their principal role is for prayer and meetings that will help them to live their lives as shining examples of Christian living wherever they are.

They take active part in the liturgy. In addition, they encourage other women to wear the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary through their lifestyle and exchanges. They visit members and other women in their homes in sickness and in health.

The CWA is the largest single church group and the most involved in all activities of the Church as a whole, and of the Parish.

The Catholic Men Association (CMA)

The CMA members draw their inspiration by trying to live like the Holy Family of Nazareth. Their greeting of “St. Joseph, Man of Honor” and “Pray for us” as a response reminds each member that as men or heads of their families and of the communities they live in, every member should try to live an exemplary Christian life, like Joseph did.

For that to happen, members come together once a week to study and live the family life. This helps them not to go astray by living the St. Joseph experience. So, they read and study the scriptures to enable them to learn more about the life of St. Joseph

On a day to day basis, they are encouraged and reminded of their duties towards their families and guests just as Joseph who cared for Jesus and Mary did. This helps them to keep their faith and to lead their families in the catholic faith.

St. Jude

This is a mixed group of men and women although the majority of members are women.  This is a prayer group that tries to emulate the life of their patron saint, St. Jude. The group meets once a week to pray. They say the novenas from time to time in an effort to shape their lives.

Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is to its members the linchpin of all church groups. Members pray straight to Christ and not through any saint. The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary is interwoven and could be said to have the oddity that says 1+1 = 1. There is no separation between the hearts of mother and son.

Members of St. Jude try to live Christian lives guided in the Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to Margaret Mary Alacoque.  The group’s evangelistic mission is guided by the promise saying, “Those who propagate this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart never to be blotted out”.

Members meet once or twice a week ordinarily to say novenas and carry out Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Individually and jointly they pray for graces, peace and blessings as were promised to Margaret Mary Alacoque so on the day that any of its believers shall die, they should have the grace of final penitence before they die.

Parish Groups (Youths)>>.